Christmas is gone! 2022 is finished and here is 2023!
Lots of people use the new year to make new resolutions, especially fitness wise.
If you are one of them and would like to improve your health in 2023 here are few advice that might help you.
Start/continue your physical activity
One of the biggest mistake when you start a new year or a new activity is wanting to rush into it, expecting faster results.
But the most common thing happening is a lose of motivation after few weeks only...
Wanting to improve your health is great, wanting fast results is unrealistic.
To have results you first need to put the work in. Managing your efforts and motivation will be key to create consistency! And you know it, consistency makes all the difference!
Here are 5 steps to the best warm up to help you reduce risk of injuries and last longer to make sure you will create the consistency you need.

Go back to/create positive habits
Christmas is probably the best time of the year to spend time with family and friends. But it might also be triggering if you've been spending month trying to lose weight and fight bad habits.
Don't worry, this period is now gone and that is the meaning of holidays, to relax both your body and mind!
Hopefully you read my article about how to stay fit around christmas.
If not, you probably already know that having an healthy diet and a regular physical activity is primordial to improve your health.
Self discipline will help you with that. If you are trying to build positive habit it might help you to see it as an investment.
You need to do it long enough to see the results of it. Trusting the process is important, as much as doing the right things.
If you are not too sure you can hire a personal trainer to help you build strong fundations (5 reasons to hire a pt).
Set yourself a goal
If it is not already done, you better set yourself a goal. A goal that needs to be SMART.
Having a long term goal (months) will give you determination. It also allows you to sub divide this goal into small goals (weeks) and have more motivation when it is time to train.
Great results are built by simple small gestures repeated again and again.
Having a goal gives a meaning to your trainings. Even if your general goal is to improve your health, you can add other goals, like squatting 100kg for example. Remember that your goal needs to be Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely.
