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Personal Training Package.

1. 24 Sessions.

This gives us enough time to practice, learn, improve, build habits and give your body a real chance to create adaptations and change.


It represents 3 months of PT if you train twice a week and 2 months if you train 3 times.



4. Nutrition Therapy.

Nutrition plays a crucial role in sports performance, general well being and weight management.


Along physical training, providing guidance on healthy and smart eating habits is a necessity.


We will break down the concepts of protein, carbs and fat and provide tools to use them at their best.

2. Coming to you.

Personal Training and/ or Boxing Fitness is delivered wherever it is the most convenient for you - whether that's at home, at work, or a park close to you.


Consistency is a fundamental key to a lasting transformation. For this reason I am as flexible as possible to make sure you fit your sessions into your schedule.


5. Body Measurements.

Body composition is an important part of fitness and health.


Increasing your muscle mass and lowering your body fat is the right combination for stronger joints / muscles and better heart functions.


Performing monthly Body Measurements allows me to offer weight management support.


Every month we will monitor your body composition, general well-being and gather your feedback about the sessions. 


It is to make sure we are going in the right direction and communicate the best to make the most of our partnership.

3. Tailored Programmes.

I believe in an holistic approach that will develop all the aspects of your fitness and all parts of your body.

Balance, explosiveness, force and strength will be developed.


The sessions last one hour and include exercises that are adapted to your level, goals, morphology, needs, and limitations.

6. Results.

I am providing advice, expertise, motivation and dedication to you.


Commited to excellence, I guarantee results through a personalized approach.







* 5% off if you pay the 24 sessions upfront.

* 10% off if you refer someone.


I work with Jeremy for 3months now. Difference is very visible. He is very systematic on his approach and add intensity slowy as you build muscle. He is great motivator and hard working person, always on top on every excercise he instruct me to do. I get 1h of great workout. Really exceptional PT, strongly recommend!

Thanks for applying!

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